Sunday, August 29, 2010

Me Host a Party? Are You Nuts???

Yup, hosting a home party in the past would have gotten that response from me.  I thought it all was a scam just to convince me to spend huge amounts of money on stuff that I would never like, want or use.  I avoided the direct sellers because for sure they were out to get me, they wanted my money and they wanted to scam me in some sort of way, I was sure of it!

Talk about being nuts!!!!

So one day I gave in and hosted a kitchen products party for a friend.  I got some nice freebies and I still use the products to this day.  And you know what?  It didn't kill me, she wasn't crazy or pushy and I was fine!  In fact, don't tell anyone, but I enjoyed it.  My chocolate chips, brown sugar and nuts have never been happier in their cozy and beautiful containers.

Now fast forward a few today.  I am on Day 30 of my Thirty-One career and I have to tell you, it's a ton of fun!  Running my own business is sooooo rewarding!  The products are really great, affordable and adorable, plus they make great gifts for your friends, family and yourself! 

But I need your help!  I'm looking for some Hostesses!

" what if I wanted to host a party, what do I get as a hostess?" you ask.

Well, let me tell you!  

First, a qualifying party is $200 or more in product sales.  How easy is it to get to $200?  Well considering that all of our products are $2 - $90 per item, EASY!!

If your party is $200 and over, you will get 10% FREE and 1 half priced item.  That means, if your party brings in $250, you'll get $25 free and one half priced item.  Plus you also receive a $5 credit to spend at each party that is booked off your party.  What a deal!

Here's the breakdown in more detail:

Second, as a special Sharon's Hostess Incentive, I'm offering you another FREE GIFT of your choice (up to $30 value!).

So again, it only takes $200 in sales to make it a party.  I promise you that if you talk to your friends, you can have $200 in sales before your party even starts!  LOTS of my hostesses do!  So what are the levels?  They are easy to climb!  At a $500 party, the hostess gets to pick out $75 in free product, three items for only half price (YES, any three items!!) and there's no shipping on the hostess order!  When you have more than $1,000 in sales, the sky is the limit!  You'll get so much free and half price Thirty-One product, you'll have trouble picking out everything you want! 

That's just the tip of the iceberg, my friends.  Every month, there is a new Hostess Special where you can get free and discounted Thirty-One products in addition to the free and half priced items we talked about earlier.  In September, that means the City Weekender Tote is yours for only $25 when you have a party with $450 or more in sales.  I cannot believe this deal!  That City Weekender Tote is regularly $89!  

What's even MORE exciting is that we have a new Hostess Exclusive program!  Every month from August through January, Hostesses who have a party of at least $500 in sales can purchase one of our Hostess Exclusive items...a Garment Bag for $45 or a Rolling Tote for $65.  These are plush, quality travel products that you will LOVE.

Hanukah and Christmas are coming and we only get paid a handful of times between now and then.  Are you ready for the Holidays?  Are your friends?  Let's get together and make Holiday shopping a FUN night with friends without the headache of the mall and have a Thirty-One party at your house!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's Who You Know

How does one start their own direct selling business?  Experts will agree that you start with your  friends.  And then your friends friends.  And then your friends friends friends.  And so on and so on and so on (yes, I sound like the 80's Breck Shampoo commercial!)

On that note, last Sunday I did my first Vendor Fair at my synagogue.  The turnout was great and I had some nice orders, a bunch of interested people and a few that saw me and then scurried away like I was going to eat them for lunch.  I mean pahleeze, I already ate lunch!  I did a drawing for a FREE Small Thermal Lunch Tote, which was won by the lucky and beautiful Leah Jacobson who completed the Danskin Women's Triathlon just hours earlier!  Impressed???  I am!  Especially since I too completed and achieved that Triathlon two years ago.  What a feeling of empowerment that all-women event produces!  Amazing what happens when you get a group of women together towards a common goal.

Sorry for the blur, my daughter took this with my phone.  I still love the picture though!

When I decided to start my own Thirty-One business, one thing I promised myself was that I was going to be an ethical direct seller.  Meaning, I didn't want to pressure anyone to do anything they didn't want to do.  After all, I want my customers to be completely satisfied with my customer service, the quality of the products and how I genuinely care about their buying experience.  Because I do care.  Really, truly and honestly.  I am a serious consumer, shopper and service seeker and I always return to the stores and salespeople that go that extra mile for me.  I want my customers to feel the same about me.  That I'm really there for them, whenever they need me.

So reaching out to a group of people that I already know well seems like a smart way to get started in my business.  I have been attending this particular synagogue for 11 years now and I have some wonderful friends there.  

Personally, I would never sell anything that I didn't believe in, and I truly believe in Thirty-One.  I like the company, what it stands for, how it empowers women, how it takes care and inspires it's consultants and how it's real.  Real people selling real products.  Nothing crazy here - well except me sometimes!  Nobody trying to sell sub-standard products at heavily inflated prices. 

My first order arrives this week.  I can't wait to deliver the products to my first few customers.  The first of my friends who decided to see what Thirty-One was all about and help me get my business going.  I thank you all for your trust in me and in Thirty-One.

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Thirty-One Open House Week

My Open Houses were a blast!  Lots of friends came by to see what all of my Thirty-One talk was all about.  I had some orders, some friendly visits and some new discoveries in the catalog.  I'm so new to this all that I even discovered some really great items in the catalog!

Everyone took advantage of the August Customer Special of $1 personalization, a $5 savings!


We were all really excited by the Zip Flap Messenger bags that have 6 different Reversible Bag Flaps so you can make unique and different looks from one bag.  The same with the Skirt Purse and City Skirt Purse.  All very exciting stuff!

Speaking of the City Skirt Purse, it's the August Hostess Special!  Host a party and see all of the goodies that you can get for FREE! 

Want FREE products?  Host a party in August and you can get the above outstanding deals.  All you have to do to host a party is contact me, we'll schedule a time and date, then we send out invitations to your friends and family to come to your Party.  I even have really cool email invitations that you can use!  So contact me at to book your party today!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Big Pink Box Full of Goodies

Today I received my New Consultant's Kit!!!  It's full of amazing and beautiful things and now I'm ready for my Open Houses starting tomorrow.  Well, almost ready.  I first have to memorize every bit of information in that kit.  No problem!

Here she is!  Isn't she pretty???